Tuesday, 02 July

Ecowas worries about killing of soldiers in Niger

World News
Niger soldiers patrol in the desert of Iferouane on February 12, 2020 [Souleymane Ag Anara/AFP]Niger soldiers patrol in the desert of Iferouane on February 12, 2020 [Souleymane Ag Anara/AFP]

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has expressed deep sorrow regarding the tragic loss of multiple soldiers in Niger due to the actions of armed groups. 

This sub-regional entity, which has strongly condemned the removal of President Mohamed Bazoum, has also denounced the brutal attacks that resulted in the unfortunate deaths of numerous Nigerien soldiers.

In an official statement released on Wednesday, August 16, 2023, the West African bloc, ECOWAS, communicated its heartfelt condolences to the people of Niger and the grieving families of the fallen soldiers.

The organisation unequivocally condemned these attacks, recognising the severity of the situation and the impact on regional stability.

Furthermore, ECOWAS has urged the military junta to promptly restore constitutional order. 

This call for restoration is aimed at prioritising the security of the nation, which has grown increasingly vulnerable due to the turbulence triggered by the recent attempted coup d'état against the legitimately elected President, His Excellency Mohamed Bazoum.

In an effort to address the situation, the army chiefs of ECOWAS member states are scheduled to convene in Accra on Thursday. During this meeting, they will discuss the potential for a military intervention in Niger to reinstate the deposed leader and reestablish order. 

In preparation for this contingency, member states have been instructed to mobilise a standby force. 

This signifies that the option of military intervention remains a consideration, highlighting the gravity of the circumstances and the commitment of ECOWAS to ensure stability in the region.

Source: classfmonline.com