Tuesday, 02 July

PNP commends trade minister's bill to regulate cement prices

K.T Hammond - Minister for Trade

The People's National Party (PNP) has praised the Minister for Trade and Industry for introducing a bill in Parliament aimed at regulating cement prices, making it more affordable for ordinary Ghanaians.

According to the PNP, this legislation is intended to benefit Ghanaian families.

In a statement, the PNP asserted that only those seeking to undermine this positive effort would oppose the commendable legislation.

The party noted that some Members of Parliament prioritise the interests of the businesspeople who funded their campaigns over those of their constituents, often opposing policies that benefit Ghanaian families due to their obligations to their sponsors.

The PNP urged the Ministry of Trade, Ministry of Works and Housing, and the Ministry of Agriculture to extend this initiative by introducing additional legislative instruments to regulate food and rent prices, addressing the escalating costs affecting many Ghanaian families.

Furthermore, the PNP called on all Ghanaian families to vote against any political party in the 2024 elections that prioritises the interests of businesses over the well-being of ordinary citizens, emphasising that families deserve leaders who will prioritise their welfare over corporate profits.

Source: Classfmonline.com/Emmanuel Mensah