Sunday, 30 June

NPP running mate: LLPK endorses Kennedy Agyapong for Bawumia

Ken Ohene Agyapong

 In a strategic move ahead of the December 7 elections, the Legon Lecturers and Professionals For Ken (LLPK) have formally endorsed Mr Ken Ohene Agyapong as the running mate to Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia.

 This recommendation emerged from an emergency meeting held on Saturday, June 22, 2024, at the University of Ghana campus, where extensive discussions were held regarding the New Patriotic Party’s (NPP) prospects in the upcoming polls.

The Chairman of LLPK, Dr. Alhassan Sulemana Anamzoya said the group based their endorsement on several key conclusions:

Marketability and Recognition: With the elections just six months away, LLPK believes that the NPP needs a candidate who can be effectively promoted.

Mr. Ken Ohene Agyapong's extensive nationwide tours during the 2023 presidential primaries have made him a well-known and marketable figure within the party.

Revitalizing Supporters: Noting the demoralization among NPP supporters and defections to other parties like the NDC, LLPK contends that Mr Agyapong can energize and mobilize these disheartened supporters, swaying undecided voters towards the NPP.

Youth Unemployment: With unemployment among the youth being a critical issue, Mr Agyapong's track record of creating over 7,000 jobs positions him as a compelling candidate to attract the support of unemployed youth and recent graduates, thereby enhancing the NPP's appeal.

Personality and Connectivity: Known for his tough yet approachable personality, Mr Agyapong's strong grassroots connections and business acumen resonate well with the middle class, further strengthening the NPP's voter base.

Complementary Expertise: LLPK highlights the synergy between Dr. Bawumia’s expertise in economics and digitalization and Mr Agyapong's experience in grassroots mobilization and entrepreneurship.

 This combination is seen as a powerful asset for effective governance and electoral success.

Economic Policy Contribution: As Vice President and Chairman of the Economic Management Team, Mr Agyapong's entrepreneurial experience is expected to significantly influence economic policies, driving growth and stability.

Visionary Leadership: Mr Agyapong's ideas, which gained substantial support during the party’s primaries, along with Dr. Bawumia's vision, are viewed as offering a promising direction for Ghana amidst current global financial challenges.

Regional Stability: Addressing regional concerns, particularly in the Bawku enclave of northern Ghana, Mr Agyapong's leadership on the Police Council is anticipated to enhance security measures and peacebuilding efforts.

Effective Communication: Recognizing the NPP government's challenges with communication, LLPK notes Mr Agyapong's reputation as a compelling communicator. 

His ability to effectively convey messages to voters through platforms like Net 2 TV and Oman FM is seen as a valuable campaign asset.

‘’Given these compelling reasons, LLPK advocates strongly for a Bawumia-Agyapong ticket, believing it to be a strategic and powerful combination to lead the NPP to victory in the December 7 elections’’ the statement concluded.

Source: Mensah