Sunday, 30 June

NDC manifesto team and Inter-Party and CSOs engage CLOGSAG for 2024 manifesto formulation

NDC manifesto team and Inter-Party and CSOs engage CLOGSAG for 2024 manifesto formulation

The office of the Inter-Party and Civil Society Organisations (CSO) of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and its manifesto team met with the Civil and Local Government Staff Association of Ghana (CLOGSAG) to discuss the formulation of the party's 2024 manifesto.

Dr. Peter Boamah Otokunor, head of the Inter-Party Affairs and CSOs, highlighted the importance of engaging various organisations in the manifesto development process. "As the NDC, we believe in the tenets of inclusivity, social justice, and egalitarian treatment of all people. Engaging the people that matter is crucial in formulating our 2024 manifesto," Dr. Otokunor stated.

He also stated, "It was through similar engagement that we birthed the 2020 'People's Manifesto which was adjudged the best manifesto, and we see the need to continue this approach ahead of the 2024 election."

Dr. Otokunor also spoke about the aftermath of the NDC's loss in the 2020 elections, revealing that former President John Mahama established a team known as the NDC LAB, a think-tank and policy formulation body was tasked with examining the state of the economy under the current NPP administration. "The NPP has plunged the economy into a precarious state, and we must assess and formulate policies to address the deteriorating state of our economy,".

Additionally, Dr. Otokunor introduced a new directorate within the party, the Inter-Party and CSO Relations. This directorate fulfills a promise made by the NDC's Flagbearer, John Dramani Mahama that in his next government, he will regularly engage unions, CSOs, and other agencies to help in the implementation of the Manifesto. 

The Executive Secretary of CLOGSAG, Mr. Bampoe Addo, appreciated and welcomed the NDC delegation, expressing gratitude for John Mahama's formation of the new Directorate. "We appreciate the NDC's initiative and commend Mr. Mahama for establishing the Directorate," Mr. Addo stated.

He highlighted CLOGSAG's significant achievements but also voiced his disappointment over the years. 

Mr. Addo voiced disappointment over the Supreme Court ruling in 2017 against the union on the neutrality of civil service. In his remarks, he urged the NDC to ensure their 2024 manifesto addresses these concerns. "What we want to see in the NDC 2024 manifesto is the permanent neutrality of the civil service," he emphasised. 

He also criticised the failure of decentralisation and called for a reevaluation of the process. Moreover, he questioned the constitutionality of having two heads of the civil service instead of one, expressing hope that the NDC would rectify this issue in their manifesto.

Mr. Addo listed numerous worries and challenges that require urgent intervention, urging the NDC to consider these in its policy formulation. "We have many pressing concerns that need swift action, and we hope the NDC will address these in their upcoming manifesto," he concluded.

The floor was then opened for suggestions and questions from the civil servants, resulting in a robust discussion. Many questions were posed to the committee, and the party provided assurances that the concerns of civil servants would be addressed in the 2024 manifesto.

The meeting with CLOGSAG is the first in a series of planned engagements with various stakeholders as the NDC prepares for the 2024 elections. The NDC says it aims to build a comprehensive and inclusive manifesto that addresses the needs and aspirations of all Ghanaians.
