Tuesday, 25 March

Dec. 7 polls: EC to provide media updates every 3 hours starting 9 AM

EC boss Jean Mensa

The Electoral Commission has announced it will provide regular media briefings on election day, Saturday, December 7, 2024.

"The essence of the media briefings," the commission explained in a December 4 statement, "is to provide the public updates on the elections."

"Media personnel who have accreditation cards for the National Collation Centre are invited to cover the media briefings."

The EC underlined the timelines for the media briefing, noting: "At 9:00 am on 7th December, 2024, the commission will hold the first media briefing.

"There will be further briefings at 12:00 noon, 3:00 pm, and 6:00 pm.

"From 9:00 pm on election day, the commission will provide media briefings as and when results are received from the region."

"Each briefing session will last no more than 30 minutes. The commission will also use the media briefings to respond to any stories and reports from around the country," the commission explained.

The Jean Mensa-led commission urged "the media and the general public to verify any reports on the elections with the commission to avoid sharing unverified stories on their platforms".

"The commission is committed to delivering fair, transparent, credible and peaceful elections and looks forward to working with the media to bring the elections and its processes to the doorstep of citizens," the statement emphasised.

"The Public may reach the commission on its Toll Free number; 0800 324 324 to seek clarification on any issue during this time," the EC statement, signed by its Deputy Chairman (Operations), Samuel Tettey, concluded.

Source: classfmonline.com/Prince Benjamin