Thursday, 19 September

AFAG condemns Asiedu Nketia’s alleged use of tribal politics

Mr Johnson Asiedu Nketiah , NDC's National Chairman

The Alliance for Accountable Governance (AFAG) has criticised Johnson Asiedu Nketia, the National Chairman of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), accusing him of fanning tribal and ethnic tensions in his quest for political power.

AFAG expressed concern that Mr Nketia’s actions could heighten tribal hatred and regional suspicions, warning of the dangerous consequences that such divisive tactics have had in other African countries, including Kenya and Nigeria.

In a statement, AFAG condemned what it described as the NDC’s attempt to exploit ethnic sentiments in the Central Region, one of Ghana’s most politically significant regions.

"This backward style of politics, which Mr Asiedu Nketia is systematically introducing into our body politic, is shameful and distasteful," the group stated.

AFAG called on Mr Nketia to cease this approach, urging him not to sow discord among ethnic groups in pursuit of political power.

The group also defended the right of Central Region residents to vote as they see fit, rejecting any attempt to influence their choices through tribal politics.

The statement further criticised Mr Nketia for allegedly using tribal divisions for political gain, while his family resides comfortably abroad in Canada.

AFAG urged the general public to condemn such actions, calling for an end to what they perceive as a dangerous political tactic.


Source: Mensah