Monday, 31 March

We can’t negotiate while you're on strike – Gov’t to teacher unions

General News
Bright Wereko Brobbey, Deputy Minister for Manpower and Labour Relations

The government has reminded the four striking teacher unions that it cannot negotiate with them while they are on strike over the payment of Cost of Living Allowance (COLA).

According to the government, it cannot negotiate with the striking teacher unions over their demand for the payment of COLA because of their strike action.

'We cannot negotiate with you under duress,” the government said to the four teacher unions namely the National Association of Graduate Teachers (NAGRAT), Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT), the Coalition of Concerned Teachers Association of Ghana and the Tertiary Education Workers Union (TEWU).

The Deputy Minister for Manpower and Labour Relations, Bright Wreko Brobbey served this notice while explaining why the teacher unions walked out of a meeting with labour unions to negotiate the payment of COLA  on the 6:00 am news on Accra 100.5 FM on Wednesday, July 13, 2022.

He said it was against the labour relations regulations for the employer to negotiate with the employees while they are on strike.

“The employer cannot negotiate with striking workers,” he said.

He noted that the government is open to negotiations with the teachers if they call off the strike.

This stance on the part of the government led the four teacher unions to walk out of the meeting with labour unions in Accra on Tuesday, July 12, 2022, to find a solution to the rising demand for the payment of 20 per cent of COLA

Source: Mensah