Sunday, 08 September

UE/R: We won’t sit aloof and watch mining companies take us for granted – Youth group

General News
The group wants the two companies to re-think their decision or else face the rage of the youth of the area

The Talensi Youth group in the Talensi District of the Upper East Region has registered its displeasure over the refusal of mining companies in the area to employ natives.

The group, in a statement issued on Sunday, 9 April 2023, cautioned two mining companies; Earl International Gold Limited and Cardinal Namdini Mining Limited against their refusal to employ the youth of the area.

The group wants the two companies to re-think their decision or else face the rage of the youth of the area. 

Richard Yondol who is in charge of communication for the group, addressing the press conference, noted: “We are aware of their diabolic attitude of denying both our youth jobs in the name of lacking experience and local contractors the opportunity to work with.”

Mr Yandol further noted: “We shall resist companies whose corporate policies are not in support of our human capital development.

“We are aware of Cardinal Mining clearing parts of our land without proper consultations and compensations to the immediate impact communities and their apologies thereafter.”

He stressed that: “We will not sit aloof for mining companies to take Talenteng youth for granted.”

The group, therefore, urged “government, the Ministry of Land and Natural Resources, the Minerals Commission, the Talensi District Assembly, the Talensi Traditional Council, and opinion leaders of Talenteng to as a matter of urgency call on the investors to do what is right in law and in good practice to ensure Talenteng and the Upper East Region is developed and its youth is employed in the mines.”

The group also described “the issue of 5 to 10 years working experience before one can be employed,” as “bogus.”

“Priority and protocols are solely exercised for the immediate impact communities,” the group added.

