Sunday, 16 March

Transport Minister promises decongested roads via improved transport alternatives

General News
Joseph Bukari Nikpe, Transport Minister

Transport Minister Joseph Bukari Nikpe has outlined plans to improve the transport sector, promising to decongest roads.

He noted, during his first day in office, this could be achieved by improving alternative transport options like railway, flight, and port services thereby reducing dependence on road transport.

“There is a correlation between good working conditions and service delivery, and that will be my focus,” he noted, too, at a durbar.

He, therefore, assured transport workers their welfare was a chief priority and their outstanding salary arrears would be resolved.

Speaking to the media after a closed-door meeting with officials of the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority (DVLA), Mr Nikpe revealed he had directed the DVLA to begin the process to legalise motorbike (okada) passenger services.

He said the move was in fulfilment of the government’s campaign promise, which could be traced back to 2020.

The minister also encouraged DVLA to adopt digital solutions to streamline services and end the operation of middlemen (goro boys) in a process which should be transparent and reliable.
