Sunday, 08 September

She was exceptionally quiet; gatekeeper of her home; real definition of a mother; pillar of support – MPs eulogise late Theresa Kufuor

General News
Meanwhile, a state burial will be held to honour the memory of the late former First Lady, Theresa Kufuor, today

Members of Parliament (MP) have paid glowing tributes in honour of the late former first lady Theresa Kufuour.

In Parliament on Wednesday, 15 November 2023, MPs from both the Majority and Minority side took turns to eulogise the late former first lady.

Dome Kwabenya MP, Sarah Adwoa Sarfo noted the that Ghana has really lost a mother as the late Mrs Kufuour “really served her country, to the best of her ability, she impacted a lot of lives especially the life of young girls, she played a major role beside her husband, as the saying goes, behind every successful man, there’s a woman, but I truly believe that indeed she was at the side of her husband and steered the affairs of this country to the best of her ability.

“She will be forever remembered for her role she used her foundation to play in the lives of women, maternal care more especially and girl child education during the tenure of office of her husband as she was the first lady of this country.”

Asawase MP, Mohammed Mubarak Muntaka, described the late former first lady as an “exemplary woman” he emphasised the qualities of the late Mrs Kufuor being an exemplary wife to a politician.

“Sometimes our spouses can make and unmake us in our various constituencies and whichever endeavour we find ourselves. There are instances where spouses of top politicians are involved in all manner of scandal and all manner of behaviour. 

“Mother Theresa was a very exceptionally quiet and reserved woman and all of us will attest to the fact, throughout the tenure of eight years as the first lady of our country, she concentrated on issues that affected mothers especially maternal issues and how she was helping her husband to steer the state,” the Asawase MP stated.

He continued that: “By the time she became the first lady of our country, even her youngest child was an adult,” noting: “thoughout the 8 years not much could be said, about the children it tells you how she brought them up and how she was a gate keeper in her own house to ensure that not much of scandal and tarnishing of image of her husband could come into the public domain.”

He indicated that when you are a politician and have children that are adults you would appreciate the “role that” the first lady has played “because you are everyday struggling to tame your children and let them understand that the public trust that has been reposed in you should not be abused or should not be seen to be abused.”

He further described her as very “supportive.”

“If you ever visited her house, you’ll wonder whether she had househelps because you’ll see her making effort to serve visitors, these are very remarkable attributes.”

Next was MP for Asokwa, Patricia Appiagyei who described the late former first lady as “a pillar of support” for the former president, John Agyekum Kufuor.

“Our mother has really suffered and we thank God that at this point in time our maker has called her to rest,” the Asokwa MP indicated.

She further called on all Ghanaians to join hands in laying the former first lady to rest.

North Tongu MP, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa noted the late former first lady would be remembered for understanding her role as a first lady, not to outshine her husband.  

“She would eternally be remembered for the mother and child care in our country. What she did to enhance the FCUBE programme, the school feeding programme and she will be remembered most importantly for how she did well to stay in the background not to compete with her husband because she was conscious of the fact that she had not been elected, it is her husband who had been elected and that is a quality that has endeared her to many people.”

While Ada East MP Comfort Doyoe Ghansah described the late Mrs Kufuor as “a real definition of a mother.”

According to the Ada MP, the country has numerous lessons to pick up from the life of the former first lady.

“She never complained, she never interfered in governance issues she never went round throwing jabs and she never did anything that will affect her fellow woman,” the Ada MP revealed.

She stressed that no negative publication was read on the late former first lady during her tenure. 

In the Ada MP’s opinion, other upcoming first ladies must draw lessons from the exemplary lifestyle of Mrs Kufuor while she was first lady stressing she was a “simple woman, she was showing example of how we should live, she never did a lot of makeup, she has been there for everyone to learn from.” 

“No make-up,” the Ada East MP added.

Energy Minister Matthew Opoku-Prempeh also described the late Mrs Kufuor as a “very very supportive wife, motherly.” 

Meanwhile, a state burial will be held to honour the memory of the late former First Lady, Theresa Kufuor, today, Thursday, 16 November 2023.

Mrs. Kufuor passed away on Sunday, October 1, 2023, at the age of 87, following an extended period of illness.

Source: Adiku