Saturday, 28 September

#OccupyJulorbiHouse protest: NDC Women’s Wing condemns ‘inhumane treatment’ of pregnant protester

General News
NDC Women’s Wing

The Women’s Wing of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) has condemned the arrest and alleged mistreatment of a pregnant woman, Vera, by the Ghana Police Service.

The group described the incident as a glaring failure in the country's law enforcement system, particularly regarding the treatment of vulnerable individuals, such as pregnant women, within the justice system.

In a statement, the NDC Women’s Wing expressed concern over reports that Vera, along with other protesters, had been denied basic necessities like food and water for 48 hours while in police custody.

“This act of cruelty is not only unacceptable but also illegal under Ghana’s Constitutional framework,” the statement read.

The group denounced the “inhumane treatment” of Vera as a clear “violation of fundamental human rights,” and called for accountability.

“The trauma inflicted upon Vera raises serious concerns about the Ghana Police Service’s adherence to human rights protocols, particularly in cases involving vulnerable women,” the statement continued.

The Women’s Wing further criticised the disregard for Vera’s well-being, stating that it casts doubt on Ghana’s commitment to protecting the rights of all citizens.

“The disregard for her well-being and health not only reflects poorly on our law enforcement agencies but also casts a shadow on Ghana’s commitment to upholding the rights of all its citizens, regardless of circumstance,” the group stated.

The NDC Women’s Wing called on civil society organisations, women’s rights groups, and human rights activists to join in condemning what they described as a violation of human rights.

“The rights of all citizens must be protected, and any abuse of power by law enforcement must be met with decisive action,” the statement emphasised.

“We stand with Vera and all others who have been unjustly treated,” the group added.


