Friday, 18 October

Islamic SHS: Police allegedly fire tear gas at students during demo; 30 hospitalised

General News

Police in the Ashanti region have allegedly fired tear gas on students of the Islamic Senior High School at Abrepo in the Ashanti Region leading to the hospitalization of about 30 of them.

The students were demonstrating over frequent road accidents in front of the school.

The students were said to have blocked the road in front of their school in the course of their demonstration over frequent knockdowns after their incessant calls for speed ramps had fallen on deaf ears.

News reaching indicates that the police were called to the scene to maintain order but the scene turned ugly.

Some of the students are unconscious as a result of the tear gas while others lay on the floor in pains.

There are currently ambulances on the campus transporting the unconscious students to the hospital.

Meanwhile, some parents are trooping into the school to check up on their wards following the disturbances.

