Monday, 31 March

Int'l Men's Day: Celebrate positive male role models – HELMS

General News
Dr S.K. Frimpong

November 19, every year, is commemorated as International Men Day to appreciate the works of men in the lives of their families and their contributions to making society a better place. 

A statement signed by the founder of RoyalAid Foundation, the implementaters of He Empowering Lots More Shes (HELMS) Initiative; Dr. Samuel K. Frimpong said as individuals, let's use today to celebrate positive male role models and raise awareness around men's well-being.

The promoter of the HELMS initiative, who is also the Technical Economic Advisor at the Office of the Vice-president, noted that one of the goals of International Men’s Day was to improve gender relations and promote gender equality not only for men but for women too.

"Through the He Empowering Lots More Shes (HELMS) Initiative, we shall continue to groom more males to lead an exemplary life for the good of all, most notably to understand the needs of women and support them,” he said in a statement.

The theme for this year’s International Men’s Day is “Better relations between men and women.”

Source: Mensah