Thursday, 19 September

Damongo MP inauguates 3rd astroturf in Busunu electoral area

General News
Mr Jinapor inaugurating the astro turf at Bususnu

The New Patriotic Party Member of Parliament for Damongo Constituency in the Savanna Region and Minister for Lands and Natural Resources, Mr. Samuel Abu Jinapor, has inaugurated the third AstroTurf in the Busunu electoral area.

This latest sports facility brings the total number of Astro Turfs in the Constituency to three, following earlier projects in the Damongo Municipality and the Larabanga community.

The MP, fulfilling his promise made before his election, pledged to construct four Astro Turfs in the Constituency. With three completed, work is expected to begin soon on the fourth in the Canteen electoral area, all within the Savannah Region.

During the inauguration ceremony, Mr. Jinapor emphasized that the new facility would help nurture young talents in the Busunu area.

He also mentioned plans to return in the coming weeks to inaugurate the newly built Busunu Senior High School, further underscoring his commitment to the community’s development.

He encouraged the people of Busunu to utilize the field not only for sports but also for various community events and urged them to take good care of the facility.

He reminded attendees that the role of elected leaders is to bring development to their constituents, which he is actively doing.

The Paramount Chief of Busunu, Busunuwura Monasa Jonokpowu I, expressed his gratitude to the MP for consistently bringing progress to the area.

He assured Mr Jinapor that the community would take proper care of the new facility.

Source: Abdul Rauf