Friday, 20 September

NAGRAT questions teachers' decision to deny students exeat against parental wishes

Angel Cabonu, NAGRAT president

Angel Carbonu, the President of the National Association of Graduate Teachers, has issued a stern warning to teachers regarding their actions when denying exeat to sick students. 

He questioned the benefits teachers derive from refusing permission to sick children to go home and seek necessary medical treatment.

He highlighted instances where parents, who are the biological caretakers of their own children, approach schools to request taking their child home for valid reasons, only to be denied by the school authorities. 

He expressed his dismay at the fact that when problems arise as a result of these refusals, the burden is then placed on all teachers to share.

Angel Carbonu raised the issue of inadequate compensation for teachers, emphasising that their efforts often go unrecognized. He urged his colleagues not to invite negative criticism and derogatory comments by engaging in actions that neglect the well-being of students.

He questioned the motives behind denying exeat to sick children, stressing the importance of prioritising the health and welfare of students.

Mr Angel Carbonu urged teachers who find the responsibilities of their position overwhelming to consider resigning rather than failing to fulfill their duties. 

He emphasized that the incident at hand, where an innocent student at St Monica’s Senior High School lost her life due to a housemistress's negligence, should serve as a wake-up call for all educators.

 The focus should be on creating a safe and supportive environment for students, where their health and needs are given utmost consideration

Angel Carbonu, further criticised the management of St. Monica's Senior High School in Mampong following the tragic death of a female student. 

According to reports, the housemistress of the school denied the student's request for an exeat to seek medical help, which ultimately resulted in her untimely demise. 

The school management has been interdicted pending an investigation into the incident, which occurred in May 2023.

In an audio recording, an outraged Angel Carbonu condemned the school's management for refusing to grant the sick student an exeat, a decision that allegedly led to her death. 

He expressed his disappointment at the situation and revealed that he had received numerous complaints from teachers at the school, who were also facing verbal abuse on local radio stations.

Addressing his fellow teachers, Angel Carbonu stated, "There is an unfortunate development at Mampong St. Monica's SHS, which has led to the interdiction of the management of the school.

 I have received a lot of complaints from our members to intervene in the case.

But I wonder how and why this situation should arise in the first place." 

He went on to narrate the incident, emphasizing the gravity of the situation. 

He questioned the motives behind denying the student an exeat, particularly when there was evidence of her illness.

Angel Carbonu also criticized teachers who turn away sick students seeking exeat, describing the incident as deeply saddening.

He expressed his frustration at the unnecessary burdens placed on teachers, who are often not properly compensated for their efforts. 

He urged those who find the responsibilities of being a housemistress overwhelming to consider resigning rather than neglecting their duties.

He stressed that the loss of an innocent life could have been prevented if the housemistress had fulfilled her duty.

The President of NAGRAT concluded by cautioning teachers against engaging in negative exchanges and allowing themselves to be drawn into confrontations. 

He called for empathy and a focus on the well-being of students, reminding educators of their role in shaping young lives.

He urged all teachers to prioritize their responsibilities and avoid situations that could lead to tragic outcomes such as the one witnessed at St. Monica's SHS.

Source: Mensah