Sunday, 08 September

Adansi North NDC Constituency elections: Four fined GHS6k for disturbances

The four destroyed chairs and other properties belonging to the Nana Abu Bonsra Primary School, which was the venue for the elections while the ballot was being counted

Four persons who were arrested in connection with the disturbances that occurred during the main opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) Constituency elections in Adansi North, have been convicted.

The four, Adjei Evans, Kingord Anku, Francis Amoah and Akwesi Aquah, were also fined GHS 6000 each, by the Bekwai Circuit court, or in default serve three months imprisonment when they appeared before the court, Tuesday, 25 October 2022.

The four destroyed chairs and other properties belonging to the Nana Abu Bonsra Primary School, which was the venue for the elections while the ballot was being counted.

They were arrested on Sunday, 23 October 2022.

They were arraigned today, convicted and fined.

Source: Adiku