Wednesday, 25 September

GSA shuts down Chinese mattress factory for using polystyrene


The Ghana Standards Authority (GSA) has shut down ZXZ Company Limited, a Chinese-owned firm producing Moonda brand mattresses in Afienya.

The firm was shut down for manufacturing with uncertified and substandard materials.

Acting on a tip-off, the GSA launched a market survey that revealed the company was using unapproved materials in violation of national standards.

During an operation led by the GSA, supported by the Ghana Police Service (GPS) and media, it was discovered that the factory was using polystyrene, a material typically used for packaging electrical gadgets, instead of polyurethane, which is required for mattress production.

George Anti, Head of the Special Products Unit at the GSA, stated that such a practice poses significant health risks to consumers.

“The polystyrene material used for these mattresses is unhealthy for human use. Sleeping on such mattresses could lead to long-term health risks, ultimately affecting the productivity of the population,” Mr. Anti explained.

The company, which had been operating for several months without registering with the GSA, was also found assembling televisions, refrigerators, and soundbar speakers under the Asano brand, also without the necessary licences.

A Chinese national at the factory, who identified herself as the supervisor, initially argued that the materials were accepted in China and legal for production.

However, under further questioning, she admitted the factory did not have the required licences and agreed to the shutdown.

“We are committed to ensuring that every product on the market is authorized and meets approved standards,” Mr. Anti emphasised, adding that the factory would remain closed until proper certifications were obtained and the use of correct materials ensured.

“Ghana is open for business, but it must be done within the right regulatory framework.”

In addition to the factory’s illegal mattress production, a random inspection revealed another Chinese-owned plastic recycling plant operating without a GSA licence within the same industrial zone.

The GSA has issued a warning to all foreign-owned companies to register with the Authority or face punitive measures.

The Association of Ghana Industries (AGI) has long expressed concern about foreign-owned firms producing substandard goods at lower prices, undermining local competitors.

“This company’s substandard mattresses are sold for less than those of established brands like Ashfoam and Latex Foam, which negatively impacts local businesses,” said a spokesperson from AGI. There are also concerns that ZXZ Company Limited may not be paying the appropriate taxes, potentially depriving the state of revenue.
