Wednesday, 12 March

A/R: GRIDCo CEO inspects Kumasi J2K Transmission Line Project

The Chief Executive of the Ghana Grid Company Limited (GRIDCo), Ing. Ebenezer Kofi Essienyi

The Chief Executive of the Ghana Grid Company Limited (GRIDCo), Ing. Ebenezer Kofi Essienyi, has spearheaded the inspection of the Kumasi Operating Area, with a special emphasis on the Kumasi to Konongo (J2K) Transmission Line project. 

The project is currently undergoing a transformative reconstruction, evolving from a 24km 161kV single circuit line to a robust double circuit line, with an anticipated completion date set for January 2024.

Commencing at the Kumasi (K13) substation, the inspection journey was marked by briefings from the Engineering Department, which enlightened the Chief Executive on the intricate details of the double circuit terminations for both the J2K and AW1K lines at the station. 

It then advanced to a strategic location along the J2K Transmission Line, situated in Ejisu. In the course of deliberations, it was collectively determined that, owing to spatial limitations, the construction of a tower featuring a compact base would be the optimal approach to harmonize with the designated area.

The progress of the J2K Transmission Line remains steadfast, with imminent restringing endeavours on the horizon. Recognising the paramount significance of timely completion, the Electric Company of Ghana (ECG) was deemed an indispensable contributor to the undertaking. 

The contractor was aptly advised to orchestrate operations in distinct sections, effectively preempting any encroachments on the Right of Way (RoW) and ensuring an unimpeded course of advancement.

The CEO also made a stop at the site of the Volta River Authority's (VRA) Ameri Power Plant, located in Anwomaso. 

With ambitions set on the culmination of the Ameri Power Plant's installation by the third quarter of 2023, Ing. Essienyi took proactive measures by directing the focused attention of GRIDCo's proficient Engineering Department towards facilitating the seamless connection of the plant. 

To this end, preparations are well underway for the integration of the Ameri Power Plant into the 161kV Anwomaso Substation. 

The development of two dedicated bays at the substation is in progress, earmarked for the essential termination of the Ameri plant.
