Saturday, 28 September

Rising Waters: A call for urgent government intervention in the wake of the recent dam spillage

Feature Article
MP Comfort Doyoe Cudjoe-Ghansah

I am deeply troubled by the recent devastating dam spillage that has wreaked havoc on people and communities in my constituency and other communities. The consequences of this event have been dire, with homes destroyed, livelihoods shattered, and lives forever altered.

In a heart-wrenching turn of events, the recent decision by the government to release water from the Akosombo Dam has led to a catastrophic flood that has engulfed the lives and properties of countless citizens in my constituency and our region. What was intended as a responsible move to prevent the dam from overflowing has, unfortunately, morphed into an overwhelming disaster.

The dam, a critical source of water and energy for our country, had been grappling with rising water levels due to an unusually wet rainy season and water from Burkina Faso dam. In an attempt to avert a potential dam breach, government made the difficult decision to release water downstream. Regrettably, the volume of water released was beyond what the Volta river could safely contain, leading to an unprecedented flood that has left a trail of destruction in its wake.

Homes have been swept away, families displaced, and livelihoods obliterated. Residents who have lived along the riverbanks for generations found themselves facing an unforgiving force of nature that they could neither predict nor control. The sight of possessions, memories, and hopes being carried away by the relentless current was a stark reminder of the fragility of our existence.

Farming, fishing, and small-scale trading had been the backbone of these river communities. Now, their fields lie submerged, their fishing boats lost, and their markets inaccessible. As the floodwaters surged, dreams of a bountiful harvest and thriving businesses turned into a desperate struggle for survival.

The educational and healthcare infrastructure of the affected areas also bore the brunt of the disaster. Schools were inundated, and students were left without classrooms. Health centers were inundated with patients suffering from waterborne diseases as a result of the flooding, straining the already limited resources.

The people of these communities were left in a state of shock, grappling with the daunting task of rebuilding their lives from scratch. As Member of Parliament, I have stood shoulder to shoulder with them, offering support, comfort, and advocating for immediate relief and long-term solutions.

It is evident that the impacts of the recent dam spillage are beyond the capacity of affected communities to handle alone. I urgently call upon the government to intervene and provide assistance to those who have borne the brunt of this disaster. Immediate and sustained government support is imperative to alleviate the suffering and facilitate recovery.

I implore the government to:

PROVIDE EMERGENCY RELIEF: Expedite the provision of emergency relief, including food, clean water, shelter, and medical assistance, to the affected communities. Time is of the essence in mitigating further suffering.

UNDERTAKE INFRASTRUCTURE REHABILITATION: Allocate resources for the repair and reconstruction of critical infrastructure, including community roads, bridges, schools, and primary health centers. These facilities are essential for the recovery and well-being of the affected population.

PROVIDE LIVELIHOOD RESTORATION: Develop comprehensive plans to support the rehabilitation of livelihoods in the affected areas. This includes financial assistance for farmers and fishermen, and support for small businesses.

PROVIDE PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT: Deploy mental health and counseling services to help individuals and families cope with the trauma and emotional distress resulting from the disaster.

PROVIDE LONG-TERM SOLUTION: Collaborate with relevant stakeholders to develop and implement long-term solutions for dam management and risk reduction, ensuring that such a catastrophe is never repeated.

TRANSPARENCY AND ACCOUNTABILITY: Maintain open communication channels with the affected communities, providing regular updates on relief efforts and involving them in the decision-making process.

It is vital that we conduct a comprehensive investigation into the circumstances that led to this tragedy. We must reassess the capacity of our infrastructure and early warning systems and hold those responsible strictly accountable. Government must be committed to better dam management, risk assessment, and safety measures.

I want to emphasize that time is of the essence, and the affected communities are in dire need of immediate assistance and support. This is a critical moment for government to demonstrate its commitment to the welfare and safety of its citizens. I urge prompt and comprehensive action to aid those who have suffered due to the recent dam spillage and to work toward a more resilient and prepared future.

Government must do everything within its state powers to alleviate the sufferings of the victims, facilitate their recovery, and ensure that they rise stronger from this ordeal.

The people of these river communities deserve nothing less. It is a solemn commitment that we make to them, and to the future safety and prosperity of our people.

As member of parliament, I stand ready to support and collaborate with the government and all other relevant agencies in these efforts.

The people and communities affected by this disaster deserve nothing less than the full commitment of government to provide relief, assistance, and the assurance of a safer tomorrow.


Hon. Comfort Doyoe Cudjoe-Ghansah

(MP, Ada Constituency & Deputy Minority Chief Whip of Parliament)
