Friday, 27 September

‘Trust Issues’: Oklay releases 3rd 2024 single persuading the hurt to love again

Facebook (November 17, 2021): Oklay, Ghanaian singer-songwriter and rapper

Rapper Oklay, born Matthew Amatey Williams Jr, has released what easily is one of the best records of the year 2024.

On this addictive Highlife number with a relatable story, Oklay surprises his fans by returning to singing. The two-minute song, also, showcases songwriting that Oklay’s role models would arguably be impressed by.

The Gimme That hitmaker spoke to Prince Benjamin (PB) in an exclusive interview, concerning the circumstances and creative process that led to his latest song, Trust Issues.  

A beat and a visit

Trust Issues “was inspired by the beat” Oklay’s cousin and record producer BigBoy Darling who “has produced most of my songs” made.

On  “a random visit to his [BigBoy Darling] place, I had in my mind to copy an old song to go mix and master for release but when I got there, he played me the beat for Trust Issues. It was something he was working on around that time,” Oklay said.

He added: “I heard the beat and, instantly, the melodies for Trust Issues started flowing. I still have the recording of just the melodies on my phone.”


Oklay noted the backing vocals were handled by BigBoy Darling and “a musician called Stevie O”.


According to the musician and entrepreneur, Trust Issues, released after his 13-track Lost Files (2023) album, underlines the “need to handle trust, which is super fragile, with care because when it’s broken, mending it is difficult”.

Once inspiration struck and the “Highlife melodies started flowing,” after hearing the beat, “I just wanted to talk about love and that was the direction I took it,” the Hiplife artiste emphasised.

Highlife influences

The proud Ga native who performs in Ga, Akan, Pidgin and English reminisced: “Growing up, Highlife was a popular genre in Ghana and as a music lover I absorbed it like a sponge, and even in my adult years I still listen to a lot of classic Highlife music.”

“I can boldly say Kojo Antwi and Ofori Amponsah’s influence can be felt all over the song, Trust Issues,” he fondly added.

However, “that wasn’t deliberate,” he said. “I realised, when writing the song, that because I had listened to them so many times over the years it just came to me naturally to [perform under their influence].”


Among many others, a fan took to social media to show her love for the song.

"My new jam. The beat is on point, the lyrics is talking to me. Oh my God!" she exclaimed, while sitting in her car, listening to Trust Issues and enthusiastically singing along.

Trust Issues is the third single from Oklay in 2024, Blame Me and Gimme That (Piano Version) being his first two from August.

The short, sweet, and appetite-whetting song sees the Highlife performer persuading a brokenhearted woman of his seriousness and pure intentions, while admitting “some men are indeed dangerous”.

With lines like “My face may look like that of a hawk's but I don't hunt and devour [innocent, helpless] chicks,” Oklay demonstrates his knowledge of Ghanaian folklore and culture on Trust Issues.

Watch the September 20 visualiser below:

Source: Benjamin