Saturday, 07 September

Police arrest TikTok couple over disturbing tales including confession to killing their own child

Godpapa The Greatest with wife Empress Lupita

The Police in Tema, Greater Accra Region, has arrested a man, Godpapa The Greatest, and his wife, Empress Lupita, as part of and to assist with ongoing investigations into the alleged killing of a child of theirs.

The arrest follows an interview granted to Kofi TV by the TikTok couple during which they said they killed one of their children.

Citing the reason for their action, they said the child, El Shaa, was demon possessed.

According to Empress Lupita, her husband, formerly identified as a pastor, was divinely informed about a future where El Shaa would wreck havoc on his country, Ghana, and the world at large due to his indwelling by evil spirits and his ability to spread more of such spirits into the world through childbirth.

"The spirit came into the child and took him away from home," she said. "If the father had allowed him to live, he'd grow, marry and give birth, some people may desire his children for marriage and not know they are demon possessed," Empress Lupita said.

"So if he [Godpapa] had not killed the child, it would have become a problem to the world," she noted, stressing that the "sacrifice" of El Shaa was for the peace of the world because "in a divine revelation", it was shown that El Shaa's "future was filled with all kinds of evil, wickedness, bloodshed..." 

She added that an alternative to killing the child would have been to keep him till adulthood but to restrain him from marriage. "The best thing," however, according to her, "was for the father to fell his [El Shaa] tree" for peace to prevail.

"This is why we say, by his sacrifice we have saved the world," she stressed. 

In a subsequent Kofi TV interview, an 8-year-old child of the couple's also narrated how his sibling El Shaa was allegedly killed. 

According to him, his parents poisoned El Shaa through ‘gari soakings’, and subsequently buried him alive when the poison failed. 

The child also spoke about abuses he had suffered at the hands of his parents.

He said his parents would sometimes blend their faeces and prepare soup with it and serve it to them, the children, with banku.

In view of these incriminating statements, Ghana Police at Tema Community 2 have arrested the couple, who are expected to assist with investigations. 

Source: Benjamin