Friday, 13 September

Kirk Franklin overwhelmed by Ghana's 'success, sustainability, expansion of technology and growth'

Kirk Franklin

Gospel icon Kirk Franklin, 54, has expressed earnest admiration for Ghana.

He said, upon his second visit, he was “amazed” to see “so much success, sustainability, the expansion of technology and growth” in the West African country.

The aforementioned and Ghana’s “beautiful people,” he added, had him wanting to “find deeper roots here, and I will be back very soon because Ghana feels like home.”

“What makes Ghana feel like home is the smile of every human that you meet. The smile of every daughter and son that I run into, birthed from this beautiful space. Even though [there is] its tragic history of our displaced people, they have revisited that moment and have transformed it to be a place of healing and restoration and growth and development and empowerment that can only happen in Ghana,” Franklin said.

Given his travels across various African nations for his Kingdom World Tour 2024 with Maverick City, he remarked: “It will be a moment in my life that I would never ever forget.

“To travel to so many countries at one time and to feel, just to feel, the Black experience on this continent and on this planet and to be reminded how unified we as Black people are; that we are just separated by water only; we’re never separated by spirit.”  

The American star composer and choirmaster spoke to Lady Sena. The 20x Grammy winner's first visit to Ghana was 11 years ago for Adom Praiz 2013.

Kirk Franklin and Maverick City performed at the First Love Centre, UPSA, Legon, Accra, Sunday, August 18.

The event was attended by a crowd of expectant fans, including political leaders Alan Kyerematen of the Movement for Change, former Kpone-Katamanso MP Hopeson Adorye and Ningo Prampram MP Sam Dzata George.

Source: Benjamin