Wednesday, 05 February

Ghana would prosper when people love God, country: Uncle Ato on galamsey, corruption

Gospel singer-songwriter Uncle Ato

True religious people “must do two things: love God and love their country,” Gospel star Uncle Ato has asserted.

He noted this was the commendation a Roman Centurion received in the Bible, Luke 7:5, for which he eventually received a miracle from God.

He spoke to Taller Dee on Journey to Heaven on No.1, 105.3. 

“There are Christians, Muslims and others who [say they] love God but they don't love their country. It's not complete,” the singer-songwriter admonished.

"There are others who are crazy about politics and out of passion behave like hooligans, all in the name of protecting the country. But if you fear God you won't do those things.”

“We need to bring these two together in good balance,” Uncle Ato urged.

“If you fear God, you won't be corrupt when you're in government or wherever you're place. If you fear God and love your country, you won't destroy our waterbodies [via illegal mining/galamsey]. We need to love God and love our country.”

He said he did not expect this quality of only politicians but also the citizenry. 

"Civil servants, entrepreneurs, teachers, etc. Wherever you are, we must show we love God and our country. This will cause growth, sustainability and prosperity for all of us in this country."

He rebuked poor sanitary habits like pushing rubbish into gutters expecting the rains to carry them away, and littering the streets. 

"You don't love the country if you do this,” he charged.

Source: Benjamin