Tuesday, 25 March

Mobile voice subscription hits 41.3m


Mobile voice subscription grew by 1.28% in January 2020 to reach 41,380,751.

The total penetration rate for the month under review was 136.79%.

According to figures from the National Communication Authority, MTN continued to lead the market with a market share of 55.95%.

It increased its subscriber base by 2.64% from December 2019 to 23,150,485 in January 2020.

Vodafone’s mobile voice subscriptions decreased from 9,122,403 as of the end of December 2019 to 9,075,795 as of the end of January 2020.

This represented a percentage decrease of 0.51%.

Vodafone’s market share for December 2019 was 21.93%.

AirtelTigo’s voice subscriptions decreased from 8,453,053 as of the end of December 2019 to 8,428,322 as of the end of January 2020.

This indicated a percentage decrease of 0.29%.

Its market share for the month under review was 20.37% as compared to 20.69% in December 2019.

On the other hand, voice subscriptions of Glo increased from 725,773 as of the end of December 2019 to 726,149 of the end of January 2020.

With a percentage increase of 0.05%, its total market share for the month under review was 1.75%.

For data, the total subscriptions of 2G/3G mobile data in the country as of the end of January 2020 were 28,675,506.

The penetration rate also stood at 94.79%.

MTN ended the month of January 2020 with 20,648,580 2G/3G Mobile Data subscriptions.  

Its market share for the month under review was 72.01%.

The total number of subscriptions for Vodafone’s 2G/3G mobile data in January 2020 was 3,649,598.

This is reflected in its market share of 12.73%.  

AirtelTigo’s 2G/3G mobile data subscriptions for January 2020 was 4,110,001.

Its market share for the month was 14.33%.

Glo recorded data subscriber figures of 267,327 as of the end of January 2020.

This reflected a market share of 0.93%.


Source: classfmonline.com