Sunday, 08 September

February Producer Price Inflation 21.4%

The month-on-month change in producer price index between January 2022 and February 2022 was 3.9 per cent

The Producer Price Inflation rate for February 2022 was 21.4 per cent, the Ghana Statistical Service has announced.

This rate indicates that between February 2021 and February 2022 (year-on-year), the PPI increased by 21.4 per cent.

This rate represents a 4.6 percentage point increase in producer inflation relative to the rate recorded in January 2022 (16.8%).

The month-on-month change in producer price index between January 2022 and February 2022 was 3.9 per cent.

The producer price inflation in the Mining and Quarrying sub-sector increased by 11.6 percentage points over the January 2022 rate of 2.2 per cent to record 13.8 per cent in February 2022.

The producer inflation for the manufacturing sub-sector, which constitutes more than two-thirds of the total industry, increased by 4.0 percentage points to record 28.8 per cent.

The utility sub-sector recorded a 0.5 per cent inflation rate for February 2022.




Source: Mensah