Wednesday, 26 February

7th Ghana Customer Service Index: Ghana maintains B grade, transport sector leads

Yvonne Ohui MacCarthy, creator of the Ghana Customer Service Index (GCSI)

The Ghana Customer Service Index (GCSI) 2025 has revealed the latest score for the country’s customer service delivery.

According to the survey organised by the Institute of Customer Service Professionals (ICSP) led by customer service expert Yvonne Ohui MacCarthy, Ghana’s overall score now stands at 72% (B). While it is a drop in percentage points, from the GCSI 2024’s 73.94%, the score sees the country maintaining its grade.

Raw Score:

·         80-100 (A)

·         75-79 (B+)

·         70-74 (B)

·         65-69 (C+)

·         60-64 (C)

·         55-59 (D+)

·         50-54 (D)

·         Below 50 (E)

Out of 11 sectors, transportation scored the highest, with utilities performing the poorest.

·         Transportation – 86%

·         Petroleum – 85%

·         Hospitality – 78%

·         Banking – 78%

·         Retail Malls – 72%

·         E-Commerce – 72%

·         Public Institutions – 71%

·         Healthcare – 69%

·         Insurance – 67%

·         Telecommunications – 62%

·         Utilities – 55%      

The index’s parametres were: trust, look and feel, competence, professionalism, ease of doing business, processes and procedures, customer focused innovations, staff engagement, complaints and feedback, and health and safety.

The number of organisations reviewed on customer service 183.

Respondents’ monthly income range:

·         GHS2,001-GHS5,000 (48%)

·         GHS101-GHS2000 (30%)

·         GHS5000-GHS10,000 (4%)

·         More than GHS10,000 (1%)

Respondents’ Education:

·         University/Professional (52%)

·         SSS/SHS/Secondary (19%)

·         Teacher Training (9%)

·         Vocational/Technical/Commercial (9%)

Respondents’ Location:

·         Greater Accra (72%)

·         Central (14%)

·         Eastern (6%)

·         Volta (4%)

·         Ashanti (3%)

·         North East (1%)

Out of 2475 valid responses, 88% were Ghanaian, 56% being male, and 44% being female.

In its seventh year, the GCSI (2025) was revealed at the British Council, Accra, with Prince Benjamin (PB) mastering the ceremony (MC).

Yvonne O. MacCarthy is a Harvard Business School Executive Education alumnus and the Board Chair of the West African Association of Customer Service Professionals (WAACSP). She was presented at the programme with an award by a Kenyan organisation recognising her efforts to elevate customer service delivery in Africa to match global standards, driving business growth and customer satisfaction across the continent.

Read: Ghana scores 'B' for customer service with banking sector leading: GCSI 2023
